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Neseniai Baltijos šalyse duris atvėręs projektas „Shed Coliving Vilnius / Riga“ sulaukė didelio susidomėjimo. Vis daugiau jaunų žmonių renkasi šį saugų ir lankstų apgyvendinimo būdą. „Shed Coliving“ siūlo kiek kitokią kambarių nuomą studentams ir jauniems profesionalams Vilniuje. Apie tai, kuo jie skiriasi nuo tradicinių studentų bendrabučių ir kokie yra šios nuomos studentams pranašumai, aptarsime plačiau šiame straipsnyje.
The Rising Trend of Co-Living Spaces
So what are the main reasons behind the popularity of co-living spaces? First, it is the rising prices of accommodation, especially student accommodation. Most young people find it challenging to find a flat or a room in a city for an affordable price. Plus, utility bills are adding to the already high cost of accommodation.
On the other hand, there’s also convenience. You’ll never get a space for living, leisure, sports and entertainment under the same roof while renting a regular flat. With co-living spaces, you get all that plus utility bills included almost for the same price! Sounds like a no-brainer, right?
Also, young people often hope to find a modern living space, and traditional student housing cannot always provide that. You’ve probably heard horror stories about shared showers or about a roommate having a party while you’re trying to get some sleep before an important day. Contemporary living spaces provide privacy and more. Here, you get a fully-furnished room with everything you need – a bathroom, bed, working station, fast Wi-Fi, and even a small kitchenette.
Partnerio nuotr.
The Top Five Benefits of Co-living
There are many benefits of co-living spaces, some of which we have already mentioned above. So, what are the main advantages that draw young people to choose this form of accommodation?
1. Coliving is affordable
Coliving is often the same price or slightly cheaper than other types of accommodation available on the market. The price of the co-living space is often equated to the rent of a 1-bedroom apartment, and that is even without the utility bills included. Most people find shared spaces to be more affordable than regular housing.
2. Convenience
You gain a lot more value for the same price as the regular flat. First, you get a fully-furnished private room with everything you need in place and you don’t have to share your space with anyone. Second, you have all the other facilities, like a gym, laundry room, and co-working spaces right next door. And the best part is – it’s all included in the price of your rent!
3. Built-in community
No regular accommodation can offer the community that comes with it. Living in a coliving space, you are surrounded by like-minded people to work with and have fun with. Usually, there are dedicated spaces to share your leisure time with friends, such as common lounges, gaming rooms, co-working spaces, etc.
4. Safety
Safety is another reason to choose a co-living space. Not only do you get a closed community, but many co-living spaces have a security staff or CCTV cameras installed on the property.
5. Flexibility
Coliving spaces, unlike traditional rental places, offer huge flexibility when talk turns to the lease period. Usually, lease agreements are concluded over a minimum 1 year period. However, most of the coliving spaces offer lease agreements that are concluded to 3, 5, or 6 months – sometimes even for a shorter time period!
Exploring Co-living Spaces in Vilnius and Riga Vilnius and Riga have a lot to offer when it comes to modern student housing. SHED Co-living project provides a shared living opportunity for students and young professionals at an excellent price-quality ratio. Check out Vilnius co-living spaces or Riga co-living spaces and see it for yourself!
Partnerio nuotr.
Are Co-working/Co-living Spaces the future of housing?
Considering that rent prices are only going to go up, there will be a rising need for student accommodation that is not only affordable but also convenient, modern, and safe. The need for those things will likely remain the same in the near future, and co living spaces seem to answer those needs.
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